About The NFAF Team

We are here for you, and want to help you get the sleep you deserve.

This is Erik Loebl and his daughter, Kayla Loebl.

We put together this website to help the insomniacs of the world, get their rest.

If you think we can do better in any area of this website, let us know!

A word from Erik Loebl…

Erik Loebl smiling for the camera wearing a blue and black plaid collared shirt and glasses

Hi I’m Erik, I created this site to help those with difficulty falling asleep.

I enjoy using different natural techniques to fall asleep fast.

I have had several family members deal with sleep issues,

so I would like to pass along my information on how to sleep better for the well-being of everyone.

Welcome to https://naturallyfallasleepfast.info/!

PS: Get more information on how to sleep better naturally at our sister site: http://howtosleepbetternaturally.com


A word from Kayla Loebl…

kayla loebl smiling in front of the camera with a white wall behind her

Hey ya’ll,

I know how frustrating it can be when trying to get to sleep.

The thoughts are running wild in your brain and you can’t seem to shut them up!

It’s all about acceptance and knowing the best ways to relax yourself.

The articles on this site will teach you what to eat, drink, and use so that you can get the sleep you daydream of.☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️