How To Fix Your Sleep Schedule


Learn how to fix your biological clock, by following these simple steps.🕜

Diagram of a biological clock and how it works in the human body


First of all, what is a biological clock?

This is the natural rhythm in your body, that affects the quality of your sleep, if it’s out of balance.

Rocks stacked on brown sand in front of blue beach water

Your biological clock has all the internal and external cues for sleep.

It helps your body produce the perfect amount of melatonin, once the sun goes down, to make you sleepy and dose off at night.


So how can I make sure my biological clock is ticking right?

Gif of a Grandfather Clock ticking

Waking up and going to bed at the same time everyday, will help to train your body to automatically get sleepy in this certain period of time.

It’s also important to follow the natural rhythm of light outside.

Go to sleep when it’s dark and wake up when it’s light.

That isn’t always possible for people further from north/south of the equator or if you work the night shifts at your job.

In these cases, stick to a set sleep/wake schedule to keep your body on track and invest in some blackout curtains so the sunlight doesn’t wake you up.

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I feel my energy levels get low at certain times, what does this mean?

Woman on school campus leaning on a bench with a book covering her face, she is tired and the trees are green.

The biggest dip in energy happens in the middle of the night.

Somewhere between 2am and 4am, when you are usually fast asleep.

This also happens after lunchtime, around 1pm to 3pm when you start to crave a post-lunch nap.

These times can be different if you are a night owl or a morning person.

You also won’t feel the dips and rises of your circadian rhythm as strongly if you’re all caught up on sleep.

When you’re sleep-deprived, you’ll notice bigger swings of sleepiness and alertness.

Your circadian rhythm can also change as you get older.

And you may not have the same sleep/wake cycle as your partner, child or parents.


Mindfulness and Routines

Woman hands writing in a journal, drinking coffee out of a white mug, glasses, and Polaroid pictures on a brown desk.

Pay attention to your body and notice feelings of alertness and drowsiness.

Spend some time writing down your sleep habits, and log in a journal, when you started to feel sleepy during the day.

A reliable daily and nightly routine can change your entire life.

List and plan your mornings and nights out, and go easy on yourself if you can’t stick to it religiously.

But atleast give it a try!

When your body gets used to certain things happening at certain times, you have just conditioned or reprogrammed your brain.

Now it can do exactly what you have been wanting to do this whole time, which is sleep!

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