What are the 5 types of insomnia?


What are the 5 types of insomnia?

You are an insomniac if you have trouble falling our staying asleep.

Acute insomnia – this type lasts less than 3 months, and usually resolves itself on its own without intervention.
Chronic insomnia – this is a step up and lasts longer than 3 months, for more than 3 days at a time, but does respond well to treatment.
Onset insomnia – If you have an “active head”, before you go to sleep your sleep could be delayed for around 30 minutes, until you actually calm down. Do a “sleep ritual” before you go down for the night.
Maintenance insomnia. This is when waking up during your sleep and not going back can cause you some personality issues, like depression, irritability, and bad day time performance.
Childhood behavioral insomnia – Didn’t have a strict bedtime as a child? It came back to bite you! You will have to start fixing it now.

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