Take Blackstrap Molasses for Insomnia


Blackstrap Molasses can be used as a sleep aid…🥱

Blackstrap Molasses in a glass container getting scooped out by a silver spoon on a striped tablecloth

Blackstrap Molasses is a thick, syrupy substance, that can appear solid and liquid at the same time.

Many people refer to it as a super food.

Where does Blackstrap Molasses come from?

It comes from the process of turning sugar cane into refined table sugar.

Sugar cane stacked up and bundled on top of each other

To refine sugar cane, you have to crush it up, shred it, and boil it over 3 times.

The result…

Half of the remaining, boiled mixture, will have turned into, tiny sugar crystals…

And the rest of it, is Blackstrap Molasses.

The molasses part of the sugar cane plant, is packed with natural nutrients from the soil that it grew up in.

All the good stuff in Blackstrap Molasses…

A graph of the nutrients in black strap molasses


All types of food with high magnesium content

Blackstrap Molasses has a high magnesium content of about 48 milligrams.

If you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, it can cause insomnia.

This happens because magnesium relaxes your muscles and decreases your cortisol levels.

(Your cortisol levels will keep you awake, when they are high…it’s that feeling of having an adrenaline rush—which is not very sleep inducing)…


Glass of milk on a white flat surface

1 tbsp of molasses contains 41 milligrams of calcium.

It’s important for sleep because the brain uses calcium to produce melatonin.

When your body lacks calcium, it is also lacking melatonin, which means you toss and turn all night.


All the foods that have a high iron content such as avocados meats and nuts“”Just one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses provides nearly 20% of the DV of iron.

Iron deficiency is associated with many different conditions, including dizziness, fatigue, hair loss, irritability and anemia.

Iron is particularly important for women during menstruation.

Iron plays a critical role in blood and cell function and is essential to energy production.

It also helps the body fight off infections, supports brain and muscle function and help improves immunity.


2 yellow bananas on a flat white surface

One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses provides about 14.5% the DV of potassium.

Potassium is essential to maintaining good cardiovascular health and improving bone density.

It can help keep blood pressure low, supports proper carbohydrate metabolism and can help reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and osteoporosis.

Potassium deficiency is also associated with an increased risk of arthritis.


All the foods that have high selenium content

Blackstrap molasses is a good source of selenium, providing about 5% of the DV per tablespoon.

Selenium plays a key role in thyroid function, antioxidant protection, cancer prevention, cardiovascular health and inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Selenium deficiency can lead to these and other health conditions.

 Vitamin B6

All the foods with a high vitamin B6 content like seeds nuts grains bananas red peppers

One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses provides 7.5% the DV of vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 is needed for the immunity, the nervous system, cell formation, blood health and energy production.

It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.””—source of the content within the quotation marks.


So how will it make me tired? I just wanna sleep!😣

Bed in a dark room with a lamp on

The magnesium and calcium content in Blackstrap Molasses plays the highest role in fighting insomnia.

The magnesium relaxes your muscles and soothes your mood…

While the calcium produces the melatonin, which makes you sleepy.

Put that all together, with some comfy pjs, your bed, and silence…

And you should have a restful night of sleep in no time.

Where to find Blackstrap Molasses

It can be found:


Woman with red fingernail polish, holding a silver iPhone and typing on a MacBook

Search through Amazon, or an online herb store.

Click here visit a product listing of Blackstrap Molasses on Amazon.com

Click here to visit iHerb.com where they sell Blackstrap Molasses too.


Aisle of the grocery store with lots of food stocked on shelves

Your neighborhood grocery center should have Blackstrap Molasses, and if you can’t find it—ask a store clerk to help you out.

You can order from Instacart and not even leave the house—click here for the product listing on their app.

How to enjoy Blackstrap Molasses…

Blackstrap Molasses getting scooped out of a glass jar from Golden Barrel, with a silver spoon on a granite countertop and two teacups nearby click the image above, to visit it’s original source—and you can buy some molasses from here too.

  • Use it to sweeten your coffee or tea (it’s much healthier than refined sugar, because it is the most nutritious part of the sugar cane plant)
  • Take 1-2 tablespoons a day to reap all of it’s benefits for sleep and more.
  • Or..you can dissolve 2 tablespoons of Blackstrap Molasses in a cup of warm water and drink that everyday.
  • Mix blackstrap molasses with other sleep substances like Himalayan Salt, Nutmeg, or Gelatin—this will make the Molasses even more potent (recipe down below for sleep tonic).⬇️

((Some people can’t handle Blackstrap Molasses on an empty stomach so try doing it after a good meal— this will help you sleep better anyways.))

Blackstrap Molasses Recipes

There are many ways to incorporate Blackstrap Molasses into your meals, and here are several of them with links to other recipes as well.

Blackstrap Molasses Sleep Tonic

– 1 cup milk (or almond milk)
– 1 tsp pure organic maple syrup (not commercial pancake syrup!)
– 2 tbsp unsulphured blackstrap molasses
– 1 tbsp grass-fed collagen hydrolysate gelatin
– 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt
– 1/2 tsp ceylon cinnamon
– 1/4 tsp grated whole nutmeg
– splash of vanilla

Mix all 8 ingredients in a small saucepan and heat on low until your molasses sleep tonic just begins to bubble.

Pour into a mug and drink one hour before bed.


Another Blackstrap Molasses Sleep Tonic

– 4 cups grass-fed raw milk (non-homogenized organic cream top milk would work, too)
– 1/4 cup organic grass-fed cream
– 1/2 cup organic coconut milk (not light)
– 1/4 cup pure maple syrup (NOT Mrs. Butterworth folks)
– 3 TB organic blackstrap molasses
– 1 Tablespoon plus 1 tsp. coconut oil (organic)
– 5 TB grass-fed collagen hydrolysate gelatin
– Rounded 1/4 tsp. Real Sea Salt
– 2 tsp. vanilla extract
– 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (freshly grated is a plus) Use more if desired
– 1/4 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg

Instructions: Put all ingredients into a medium sized saucepan and stir to combine.

Heat over medium-low heat until milk is warmed.

If you prefer your milk on the hot side, you may continue warming the milk until tiny bubbles form around the inside of the pan.

This is known as scalding the milk.

Make sure you remove the milk from the pan immediately upon seeing those
bubbles appear.

Pour into a heatproof glass container that can be sealed.

This will keep in the fridge for a couple of days.

Shake well before warming subsequent mugs of this tonic.”


More ways to incorporate Blackstrap Molasses into your diet for better sleep:

These awesome ways of enjoying Blackstrap Molasses, come from Natural Living Ideas—visit their site by clicking this text. 

Homemade BBQ Sauce – “This easy to prepare barbecue sauce is made without the high-fructose corn syrup you’ll often find in store bought varieties. It’s also free from gluten, soy, nuts, corn and is vegan friendly to boot! For an extra healthy version, omit or substitute the two spoons of sugar called for in the recipe.

Oatmeal with Banana and Blackstrap – for a super healthy and satiating start to the day, whip up this 10-minute breakfast. Bananas and molasses add natural sweetness while the pecans bring some crunch!

Ginger Molasses Cookies – with molasses and coconut sugar, these delicious cookies have a deep, caramelized flavor. They’re also packed with wholesome ingredients like flaxseed, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and coconut oil.

Iron Woman Gingerbread Smoothie – this meal in a glass is sure to become a Fall favorite! Containing almond milk, blackstrap molasses, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, banana and chia seeds, it provides an explosion of both nutrients and flavors.

Baked Beans – canned beans have nothing on this tasty homemade version. Incredibly simple to make, you just need to throw all the ingredients (which include apple cider vinegar, garlic, molasses and spices) into a crockpot! While you have your crockpot out, why not check out these other healthy crockpot recipes too?”—source.



Consider these Blackstrap molasses resources:

Bestseller No. 1
Plantation Organic Blackstrap Molasses, 15 oz Bottle (Unsulphured)
  • PLANTATION: Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses, 15 oz
Bestseller No. 2
Golden Barrel Bulk Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses Jug (128 Fl Oz)
  • Made in Lancaster County, PA by the folks at Golden Barrel.

Or get your blackstrap molasses here!


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