How To Sleep Better Using Jatamansi/Spikenard


Spikenard/Jatamansi can beat insomnia

Jatamansi growing on the edge of the Himalayan mountains

So what is this magical sleep plant you speak of?🤔💭

Spikenard is in the Valerianaceae family of plants.

It is an adaptogenic herb which means that it lowers the stress levels in your body.

The most important part of Spikenard/Jatamansi is the rhizome, or in other words, the root of this plant.

Indian Spikenard rhizome the root of the plant

These spikenard roots have a long history of uses: as a perfume in meditation or prayer, as an anointing oil, and as a form of ayurvedic medicine.

According to religious texts, this herb has covered territory from India to Europe.

Spikenard anointing oil with anointing rod for ritualistic ceremonies and such on etsy

In the Bible, it was said that Mary Magdalene anointed the feet of Jesus, with Spikenard oil, before his crucifixion.

Spikenard was also used in the sacred Egyptian temple perfumes, known as Kyphi.


So is Spikenard the same thing as Jatamansi? And should I get American or Indian Spikenard? Help!🆘

Yes, Spikenard is Jatamansi and vice versa.

It has been called several different names over the years, such as: Spikenard, Jatamansi, Nard, Nardin, and Muskroot.

It’s Chinese name is Gan Song which literally means “Sweet Pine”.

Nardostachys Jatamansi is the botanical family this plant is apart of.

So what’s the difference between Indian Spikenard and American Spikenard…

Spikenard with blue and pink berries on itAmerican Spikenard is a close botanical relative to Ginseng which alerts and invigorates you.

While Indian Spikenard has sedative effects because it is part of the same family as Valerian root.

So, make sure that you are purchasing Indian Spikenard for better sleep—not American Spikenard.

Click here for a Spikenard essential oil that was sourced from India.

Click here to get some Indian Spikenard Rhizomes (Roots)…

The Spikenard product may not say “Indian Spikenard” on the label, but as long as the seller stated that the product was sourced from India—you should be good to go.

FUN FACT: Spikenard oil is dark green, and it has a strong, musky, earthy, or woodsy scent to it.


Where does Spikenard come from?

Jatamansi green Nardostachys with pink flowers

Jatamansi grows at a high altitude on the Alpine side of the Himalayas in Nepal, China, and India.

This herb is harvested then dried and turned into an oil extract, or a ground up powder.

Manufacturers use steam distillation to get all the liquid out of the magical Spikenard Roots.

Watch the video down below to get an idea of how Spikenard is sourced⬇️⬇️⬇️:


This video shows you how Jatamansi is made into a liquid extract for topical use, through steam distillation…⬇️⬇️⬇️:



The uses and application of Spikenard/Jatamansi?

Jatamansi benefits and uses infographic

You can’t drink or ingest Spikenard, but you can apply it topically, to your body.

There are several creams with Spikenard in it..

(Click the image down below, to get this product on Amazon⬇️⬇️⬇️)…

Spikenard lotion for anti aging

You can get it as an essential oil, massage oil, and as an anointing oil as well.

Many people apply Jatamansi to their skin because it has anti-aging or reverse-wrinkling properties.

This herb can also make your hair shiny and grow out fast.

Woman brushing her long black and shiny hair

Some say you can use the Spikenard Root powder and rub it through your hair while you’re taking a shower for extra strength and conditioning.

Or you can rub a diluted Spikenard essential oil right onto your scalp— make sure that you mix the Spikenard oil with a thicker oil like coconut or avocado oil.

Never apply an undiluted essential oil directly to your skin, because it can be harmful and irritating, especially for those with sensitivities.

You can easily mix the oil in a natural hemp lotion or other natural products with a short list of ingredients (less ingredients usually means it’s better for you!).

Follow this infographic for some visual guidance⬇️⬇️⬇️:

How to dilute your essential oils an infographic

Use Indian Spikenard to clear up and relieve ailments like:

  • jaundice
  • toxins in the body
  • gas
  • digestion
  • kidney stones
  • skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and dandruff
  • balding from chemotherapy
  • your body’s overall strength
  • headaches
  • restlessness
  • heart palpitations
  • menstrual cramps
  • fungus on the body or scalp
  • menopausal symptoms
  • insomnia
  • convulsions and more…

As you can see from the long list above..Spikenard is a multipurpose herbal plant!

Not only can it cure insomnia, but you will look good and feel good after using it as well.

Watch the videos down below, to hear more about Spikenard⬇️⬇️⬇️:



So how do I use Jatamansi/Spikenard specifically for sleep?

Girl sleeping in her brown sheets on a bed by the window

Jatamansi is helpful for the nervous system and is one of the most effective essential oils for supporting a calm mind and a balanced body.

Anyone who suffers from overthinking and constant worry, will benefit from regular use.

Jatamansi is calming and grounding and is highly revered for its ability to support deep sleep.

This herb is known to balance the root chakra energy center in your body.

The seven major chakras in color on a human male and female body

When your root chakra is balanced, you will feel more grounded and safer, wherever you are.

This can help you fall asleep easier because of that cocoon, safety feeling.

Finn from adventure time sleeping in his sleeping bag GIF

Use Spikenard as a powerful ally when you deal with anxiety and restlessness.

For thousands and thousands of years, Spikenard has been used in Ayurvedic herbalism as a nerve tonic.

In ancient times, the use of it in meditation, helped many people to slow down their racing thoughts and reach a deeper, more relaxed state of consciousness.

A melanated women with her hands in prayer and her eyes are closed in a yoga/meditation setting

All you need is just one drop (but you can use a little more if you want!), and rub it into your skin with a carrier oil like Jojoba or coconut oil.


Check out the essential oil blend down below that you can use every evening for a better sleep experience from here on out!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯

Potion with smoke coming out of the top in a black and white setting

“The scent of jatamansi can be heavy and woody, so combining it with a lighter essential oil can lift its aroma.

In the blend below, lavender and sweet orange make the blend brighter but still relaxing.

Evening Repose
9 drops Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) essential oil
6 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
4 drops Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) essential oil
Mix the essential oils in a dropper bottle and add to a diffuser per manufacturer’s instructions.”—SOURCE.

This video will show you how to incorporate Jatamansi into your bedtime routine😴⬇️

Here are some Jatamansi resources for you to consider:


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