Kava Root for Sleep



Why Kava

If you have trouble quieting your mind when in the process of going to sleep, then
Kava is going to be something you want to try.

Kava root can be taken in many forms, such as, a powder, in a capsule, or in a tincture liquid form.

The most potent way of taking Kava would be the tincture form because you put it directly
under your tongue and it goes instantly into your system.

The effects of Kava include, calming of the nervous system, and a decreasing in your stress and anxiety.

“Just a drink of kava will quiet the mind and calm you down. The active
ingredients in kava root, kavalactones, affect the brain’s limbic system. Within the
limbic system is the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for regulating
feelings of fear and anxiety. The kavalactones in kava have been shown to bind to
the receptors in the amygdala and this is thought to be the reason why kava
calms the mind and generates feelings of an improved sense of wellbeing –
perfect for getting to sleep”
– https://kalmwithkava.com/kava-a- natural-sleep-

How to take Kava

You should take your Kava 2 to 3 hours after eating because it is more effective on
an empty stomach.

About twenty minutes after taking a dose of Kava, you will
feel the effects, and the great thing is you can’t ever grow a tolerance to it.

Kava does not cause you to have to take more than what you started with to feel the
same effect you did when you started taking it.

It’s an adaptogen which means that it enhances the body’s natural response to physical
and emotional stress, so you may even find you need to drink less kava for the same results as time goes

And there are no addictive qualities to drinking kava, so you don’t have to
worry about that either.

There are many varieties of Kava that you can buy, some mixes are only for sleep
usage and others you can take during the day as well as the night.

You can order Kava online or go to your local vitamin shop and they should have a herb section
and choices of Kava that you can pick out for yourself.

Get your kava here

What do you think about Kava? Have you ever taken it? Let us know in the comments below!

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