Oatmeal for Insomnia and Sleep


Why is oatmeal good for sleep?🥣

Bowl of oatmeal on a wooden cutting board, with bananas and nuts on top

What most people don’t know, is that carbohydrates increase tryptophan in your brain.

Tryptophan is a necessary amino acid, that creates serotonin, which makes you feel calm and happy.

You can get tryptophan from a variety of sources, but the body absorbs it best, when it comes straight from food.🍞

Individuals who eat carbs throughout the day, are generally less depressed, anxious, and tired.

These carbs can be low-fat and still have the same calming effects.

Most people are afraid of having a midnight snack because they feel like they will wake up fat, however, that’s just not the case.

Check out this article about how not eating carbs will affect your sleep in a negative way.

Especially since you are eating healthy foods, and your body burns calories while you sleep.

By just having yourself a bowl of oatmeal🥣, a bagel🥯, or a handful of crackers🍘 before bed, you can stay sound asleep all throughout the night.


The nutrients inside of oats that will induce sleep…

A close up photo of oats

Oats are packed with calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

These 3 nutrients help the body to relax and sleep as well.

When you are deficient in magnesium, it can lead to insomnia, but a bowl of oatmeal can fix that for you.

Oats are also rich in vitamin B6, an anti-stress nutrient, melatonin, and vitamin B complex, for balancing out your nervous system.

When you regularly eat oatmeal, it will naturally adjust your sleep cycle, so that you end up feeling tired when the sun goes down and then you will start to sleep through the night again.🌌🛌

Oatmeal contains avenine and trigonelline.

These are two types of prolamines (vegetable proteins).

They help lower anxiety, nervousness, and the mental and physical agitation that tends to build up over the day.

 So what types of oats give the best sleep results?

The best oatmeal you can make for yourself will be from plain rolled oats or steel cut oats.

At the grocery store, look for oats that are enriched with vitamin D.

Asian woman pushing her grocery cart through the aisle of a store while wearing a red shirt and holding her Iphone

This way, you’ll be increasing serotonin production to help you sleep.

While you’re at it, grab some pumpkin seeds, Chia seeds, hemp seeds, and ground flax seeds.🌱

Oatmeal with Chia seeds on top on a white napkin on a table with a wooden spoon next to the bowl

These tiny seeds can top any bowl of oatmeal, and add more protein than an ounce of turkey does!🦃

Pumpkin seeds have even more tryptophan than oatmeal, so when you put that on top of your warm bedtime snack, with some cinnamon and milk…you’ll have yourself the best oatmeal for insomniacs.

oat milk and cinnamon and you now have insomniacs’ oatmeal”-

Recipes for plain oats, spice it up!


Check out these 6, amazing oats recipes that you will instantly want to try after watching.

That coconut chocolate one looked soooo delicious!!!🍫


Breakfast for Dinner: 10 Oatmeal Recipes That Will Help You Sleep



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