The Cinnamon Sleep Aid



Cinnamon Sleep Benefits

Many people don’t know that cinnamon has sleep benefits in it.

Next time you’re having trouble falling asleep you can go into your spice cabinet and put cinnamon in your

It works well when you drink chamomile tea with honey and a dash of cinnamon.

The cinnamon will begin to prepare your body to have a restful, uninterrupted night’s sleep.

Cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels

When you are in deep sleep and you end up waking up for no reason at all or a dream woke you up.

You’re not waking up because you’ve gotten enough sleep and it’s time to get up.

You can blame blood sugar spikes and crashes for waking you up just when your dream was getting right to the good part.

Cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels, which can keep you from waking up suddenly out of a dead sleep.

It also improves blood circulation, a plus if you suffer from cold feet and hands at night.

Cinnamon Drink Recipe

Here is a recipe for a cinnamon drink you can throw back before bed from this website:

“Even though the cinnamon, honey, and milk combo can knock insomnia
out fine on their own, you can add extra sleepy ingredients to make it even more

For an extra dose of magnesium, add 1 tbsp organic blackstrap molasses. If it’s
too sweet for you, cut it down to 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp molasses. But I’d keep the
1 tbsp of molasses if I could handle it. 1 tbsp contains 48 grams of magnesium.

It’s listed as an optional ingredient in the list, but I highly recommend adding in
the fresh grated nutmeg. Nutmeg has the same chemical properties as
and can really knock you out when nothing else works. If you’re
interested in learning more about nutmeg, I also have a nutmeg sleep remedy if
you’d like to check that out, too.

It sounds icky, but consider adding 1/4 teaspoon of extra fine pink Himalayan sea
salt. It regulates sleep hormones and works in conjunction with the cinnamon to
keep your blood sugar levels stable. (No, it doesn’t ruin the taste!)”
– https://i-
dream-of- honey-sleep/.

Need some cinnamon? Click the image to get some:


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