Aromatherapy as a Sleep Aid



What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a long word for a simple way to relax.

This type of relaxation includes oils of many kinds, such as, lavender, eucalyptus, jasmine, etc.

It focuses on scent and when you smell certain smells your body has different reactions to

Lavender is a very calming smell, so imagine if you rubbed the oil on your
wrists and temples of your forehead, you would feel very laid back.

This is what aromatherapy is all about.

How Do I Use Aromatherapy?

There are many different ways of experiencing aromatherapy, you can use and oil
lamp where you just buy unscented candles, put one in the lamp, and then you
would put whichever scent of oil you prefer in the bowl on top.

As the flame burns, and heats up the oil, your house becomes filled with the scent.

This seems to be the best way of experiencing aromatherapy for deep sleep or just falling asleep in

The two scents that work together for this purpose are lavender and
eucalyptus oils
put together in an oil lamp.

You let that burn for however long you like, the candle will go out on its own, and you will be off to dreamland.

If you don’t like the idea of having candles on while you sleep then you can apply
the oils to your skin and let it seep into your pores, and you can still fall asleep that
way as well.

Another alternative would be to:

“add a drop of Roman Chamomile
Essential Oil or Lavender Essential Oil to a tissue or cotton ball, and place that near
your pillow at bedtime. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil is considered a natural
sedative. Another essential oil that possesses sedating properties is Clary Sage
Essential Oil”

You could also make a spray with chamomile, lavender, and eucalyptus oils and spray your
linens before bed.

Avoid This

You should avoid using stimulating essential oils before bedtime.

Some essential oils can be energizing and stimulating such as cypress, rosemary, grapefruit,
lemon, peppermint.

Try to refrain from using these oils and products containing them before bed or they could make your insomnia worse.

Have fun trying this!


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