Exercises For Back Pain



If you have a hard time sleeping due to back pain, or wake up feeling like you’ve been sleeping wrong all night, you could benefit big time from a night time stretching routine.

Just a few minutes before bed can change the game for both your night’s sleep, but your day’s activities as well.

This is especially useful if you spend long days hunched over a computer or other equipment, or are particularly sedentary.

In addition to other beneficial routines that can be found here on our page, try a few of these out:

Lay on your back

Lay on your back whether on the floor or in bed, and draw a knee up to your chest while keeping your alternate leg straight.

Hold it for 20 to 30 seconds before slowly switching legs.


Try a little yoga!

Get on all fours and round over your back, tucking your head in.

This is called the “cow position”.

Transition into its opposite, the “cat position” by raising your head, pulling your shoulders back and arching your spine.

Repeat a few times.

Lower back rotations

Lower back rotations are a great way to loosen up.

Simply place your hands on your hips in a standing position, and slowly rotate by bending at the hip.

The Rainbow

This one is commonly the hardest, so don’t worry if you aren’t up to it yet.

Stand with your back against a flat wall, making sure your butt is touching too.

Place your arms above your head with the backs of your palms and elbows touching the wall’s surface, and slowly bring your elbows down towards your sides.

Try to keep your hands and elbows on the wall the entire time as you bring your elbows lower.

And what would an article about stretching be if we didn’t mention how great it goes with exercise!

Research shows that raising your daytime activity levels not only improves sleep, but can greatly help with certain back and postural issues as well.

We want to hear from you! If you have back pain and are controlling it, please share
with our readers!

PS: You may want to consider including turmeric or curcumin in your diet to help fight back pain. Read more by clicking here


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