How to fall asleep faster


Want to know how to fall asleep faster? Staring at that spot on your ceiling, tossing and turning all night… insomnia is the worst and left unchecked can harm our health. Everything from your mood to your physical wellbeing depends on a good night’s sleep. With that in mind, here are 4 tips to help you fall asleep fast, anywhere:

    1. Eye Masks.

    Yup, you’ve seen them on TV and on the occasional traveler and maybe you think they’re a bit much.

    But trust us, darkness sends important signals to your brain having to do with sleep onset.

    When you can’t turn off the lights, you can absolutely blot them out with a mask and many come with features such as cooling gel and are quite comfortable.

    2. Deep Breathing.

    Deep Breathing is a superb way to bring on full body relaxation and put your mind at ease.

    Simply inhale deeply to a count of 4, hold your breath to a count of 7, and exhale slowly to the count of 8.

    This breathing was made popular by Dr. Andrew Weil, who mentions it as a way to instantly calm oneself.

    3. Eating a snack.

    Eating a snack consisting of low glycemic index carbs, such as oatmeal or cottage cheese, releases serotonin into your bloodstream.

    This essential neurotransmitter is responsible for regulating mood and plays a part in sleep cycles too.

    4. Stop obsessing.

    Stop obsessing over sleep or your unchecked to-do list!

    While it’s tempting to go over the day’s events or plan ahead, this isn’t the right time.

    Your brain is tired and distracted, and you’re not at your best.

    Focus on things that soothe you instead.

    Here are some more resources to help you fall asleep faster:


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